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Y Senedd a Datganoli yng Nghymru: Llyfryddiaeth

Cyhoeddwyd 25/11/2020   |   Diweddarwyd Ddiwethaf 17/01/2023   |   Amser darllen munudau

Ers y refferendwm ar ddatganoli ym 1997, mae academyddion, sylwebyddion gwleidyddol, gwleidyddion a newyddiadurwyr o Gymru a thu hwnt wedi ysgrifennu am wahanol agweddau ar y broses ddatganoli yng Nghymru. Maent wedi cyhoeddi nifer o lyfrau, erthyglau ac astudiaethau pwysig yn cynnig sawl barn ar ddatblygiad y Senedd ac ar ddatganoli yng Nghymru. Mae'r llyfryddiaeth yma yn casglu rhai o'r gweithiau pwysicaf yma at eu gilydd er mwyn ceisio cynnig darlun cytbwys o fywyd Senedd Cymru a datganoli yng Ngymru hyd yn hyn.

Rhannwyd yn nifer o adrannau sydd yn delio â gwahanol agweddau ar ddatblygiad datganoli a'r Senedd, gyda'r teitlau wedi eu rhannu yn nhrefn yr wyddor fesul awdur o fewn y pynciau hynny. Caiff ei ddiweddaru'n gyson, gydag eitemau newydd yn cael eu ychwanegu fel y maent yn dod i'n sylw neu'n cael eu cyhoeddi. Ceir adran hefyd yn amlinellu'r ychwanegiadau i'r rhestr yn ystod y tri mis diwethaf.

Mae fersiwn PDF o'r llyfryddiaeth ar gael i chi ei lawrlwytho.


Ychwanegiadau diweddar

Ychwanegwyd y canlynol yn ystod y tri mis diwethaf


Cefndir Datganoli

Mae'r mater o reolaeth cartref yng Nghymru yn mynd yn ôl mwy na chanrif at dyddiau pan bu'r David Lloyd George ifanc yn ymgyrchu fel rhan o fudiad Cymru Fydd. Mae'r rhestr cyhoeddiadau isod yn olrhain y cynnydd tuag at ddatganoli o'r bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg hyd 1997

  • Davies, Gwilym Prys, (2008) Cynhaeaf hanner canrif: gwleidyddiaeth Gymreig 1945-2005. Llandysul: Gomer.
  • Deacon, Russell Martin, (2002) The governance of Wales: the Welsh Office and the Policy Process 1964-99. Cardiff: Welsh Academic Press.
  • Democracy and devolution: proposals for Scotland and Wales 1974 Cm 5732
  • Devolution: financing the devolved services 1977 Cm 6890
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  • Evans, John G., (2006) Devolution in Wales: claims and responses 1937-1979. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
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  • Gooberman, Leon (2017) From depression to devolution: economy and government in Wales, 1934-2006. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
  • Information Commissioner's Office, (2010) Report to Parliament: Freedom of Information 2000: ministerial veto on disclosure of the minutes of the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Devolution in Scotland, Wales and the regions. London: TSO.
  • Jones, Barry & Balsom, Dennis (eds.), (2000) The road to the National Assembly for Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
  • Jones, Gwynoro & Gibbard, Alun (2021) Whose Wales? The battle for Welsh Devolution and Nationhood: 1880 to 2020
  • King, Richard (2022) Brittle with relics: a history of Wales, 1962-97. London: Faber and Faber.
  • Morgan, Kenneth O., (2014) Revolution to devolution: reflections on Welsh democracy. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
  • Morgan, Kenneth O., (1980) Wales in British Politics 1868-1922. 3rd ed.
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  • MacKay, R. Ross, (1997) The economic impact of a Welsh Assembly. Cardiff: Institute of Welsh Affairs.
  • Parliament for Wales Campaign, (1997) Power to the people of Wales: Government of Wales Bill 1997. Cardiff: Parliament for Wales Campaign.
  • Osmond, J., (1992) The democratic challenge. Llandysul: Gomer.
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  • Osmond, J., Aughey, A and Bort, B. (2011) Unique paths to devolution: Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Cardiff: Institute of Welsh Affairs.
  • Our changing democacy: devolution to Scotland and Wales 1975 Cm 6348
  • Philip, A.B., (1975) The Welsh question: nationalism in Welsh politics 1945-1970. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
  • Rowlands, T. (2004) Whitehall's last stand: the establishment of the Welsh Office, 1964, Contemporary Wales 16, p39-52
  • Tanner, D. (2006) Richard Crossman, Harold Wilson and devolution, 1966-70: the making of government policy, Twentieth Century British History, 17 (4), p545-578
  • University College London Constitution Unit, (1996) An Assembly for Wales. London: UCL.


'Llais dros Gymru' a Refferendwm 1997 

Wedi eu llwyddiant yn etholiad cyffredinol 1997, cyhoeddwyd y Papur Gwyn 'Llais i Gymru' gan Lywodraeth y DU a amlinellodd gynlluniau am Gynulliad Cenedlaethol i Gymru. Cynhaliwyd refferendwm ym mis Medi 1997. Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod yn cynnig dadansoddiad o ymgyrch a chanlyniad y refferendwm

  • Andrews, Leighton, (1999) Wales says yes: the inside story of the 'Yes for Wales' referendum campaign. Cardiff: Seren.
  • Denver, D. (2002) Voting in the 1997 Scottish and Welsh devolution referendums: information, interests and opinions, European Journal of Political Research, 41, p827-844
  • Evans, Adam (2021) 'There will be no shortage of ministers taking part in the Scottish referendum campaign. The same is not true in Wales': New Labour, old struggles and the advent of Welsh devolution. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
  • Government of Wales Act 1998 (chapter 38)
  • Grwp Ymgynghorol y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol (1998) Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru: dweud eich dweud ynghylch sut y bydd yn gweithio. Caerdydd: Uned Datganoli'r Swyddfa Gymreig
  • Llais dros Gymru: cynigion y Llywodraeth ar gyfer Cynulliad i Gymru 1997 Cm 3718
  • McAllister, Laura (1998) The Welsh devolution referendum: definitely maybe?, Parliamentary Affairs 2
  • McAllister, Laura (1999) The road to Cardiff Bay: the process of establishing the National Assembly for Wales, Parliamentary Affairs, 52. p634-648
  • National Assembly for Wales, (1999) Preparing for the Assembly: a management strategy. Cardiff: NAfW.
  • Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Act 1997 (chapter 61)
  • Swyddfa Gymreig, (1998) Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru: cofnodi'r trafodion: papur ymgynghori gan y Swyddfa Gymreig. Caerdydd: Swyddfa Gymreig.


Dyddiau cynnar y Cynulliad

Wedi i'r Refferedwm gymeradwyo datganoli i Gymru mewn egwyddor, cychwynnodd Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru ar ei thaith drwy senedd y DU. Gwnaethpwyd neiwdiadau i'r cynigion gwreiddiol a bu dyddiau cynnar y Cynulliad yn wedi iddo cael ei greu ym Mai 1999 yn gyfnod o gyfanheddu i'r sefydliad. Adroddir hanes genedigaeth a dyddiau cynnar y Cynulliad yn y cyhoeddiadau isod

  • Chaney, P., MacKay, F. and McAllister, L., (2007) Women, politics and constitutional change: the first years of the National Assembly for Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
  • Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (2002) Adolygu gweithdrefn y Cynulliad: adroddiad terfynol. Caerdydd: Cynulliad Cenedlaethol.
  • Davies, Jocelyn (2019) Early days. Welsh Agenda, 63, autumn/winter 2019, p12-16.
  • Elis-Thomas, Dafydd, (2000) Cyfansoddiad newydd i Gymru?. Caerdydd: Canolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru.
  • Gooberman, Leon (2017) From depression to devolution: economy and government in Wales, 1934-2006. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
  • Government of Wales Act 1998 (chapter 38)
  • Institute of Welsh Affairs, (2003) Birth of Welsh Democracy: the first term of the National Assembly for Wales. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Jones, Barry & Balsom, Dennis (eds.), (2000) The road to the National Assembly for Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
  • Morgan, Kevin & Mungham, Geoff, (2000) Redesigning democracy: the making of the Welsh Assembly. Bridgend: Seren.
  • Morgan, Rhodri (2017) Rhodri: a political life in Wales and Westminster. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
  • National Assembly for Wales (Transfer of Functions) Order 1999. London: TSO.
  • Osmond, John, (1999) Adrift but afloat: the civil service and the National Assembly. Cardiff: IWA.
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  • Osmond, J. (2002) A bilingual Wales: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales June to August 2002. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2002) Engaging with Europe: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales March to June 2002. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2002) Education policy breaks loose: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales December 2001 to March 2002. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2001) Coalition creaks over health: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales September to December 2001. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2001) A period of destabilisation: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales May to August 2001. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2001) Farming crisis consolidates the Assembly's role: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales March to May 2001. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2001) The economy takes centre stage: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales December 2000 to March 2001. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2000) Coalition politics come to Wales: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales September to December 2000. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2000) Devolution looks ahead: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales May to August 2000. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2000) Devolution in transition: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales February to May 2000. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2000) Devolution relaunched: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales December 1999 to March 2000. Cardiff: IWA
  • Osmond, J. (1999) Devolution: a dynamic settled process? monitoring the National Assembly July to December 1999. Cardiff: IWA
  • Thomas, A. & Laffin, M. (2001) 'Wales' first constitutional crisis: the Alun Michael resignation', Public Policy and Management, 16, 1 (Spring), p18-31
  • Welsh Office, (1998-99) National Assembly for Wales: technical guide to the transfer of functions order: parts 1 to 4. Cardiff: Welsh Office.
  • Uned Ddatganoli'r Swyddfa Gymreig, (1999) Gwneud y gwahaniaeth i Gymru: arweiniad i bwerau Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru. Caerdydd: Y Swyddfa Gymreig.
Comisiwn Richard, 'Trefn Llywodraethu Gwell' a Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006

Yn dilyn adroddiad yr adolygiad o weithdrefnau'r Cynulliad yn 2002, sefydlwyd Comisiwn Richard er mwyn edrych ar bwerau a threfn etholiadol y Cynulliad. Arweiniodd hwn at bapur gwyn 'Trefn Llywodraethu Gwell i Gymru' a phwerau deddfwriaethol yn Neddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006

  • Comisiwn Richard (2004) Adroddiad Comisiwn Richard: y comisiwn ar bwerau a threfniadau etholiadol Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru. Caerdydd: TSO
  • Cox, John (2005) Better governance for Wales, Planet, 173, p91-93.
  • David, R. & Morris, N. (2007) Thoughts turn to new powers: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales January-April 2007. Cardiff: IWA.
  • David, R. & Morris, N. (2006) Parties prepare for battle: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales August-December 2006. Cardiff: IWA.
  • David, R. (2006) New powers - new beginning? monitoring the National Assembly for Wales May-July 2006. Cardiff: IWA.
  • David, R. (2006) Restructuring devolution: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales January-April 2006. Cardiff: IWA.
  • David, R. (2005) Consensus politics born of convenience: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales September-December 2005. Cardiff: IWA.
  • David, R. (2005) Minority government by selective co-operation: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales May-July 2005. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Economic and Social Research Council, (2014) The report of the Richard Commission: an evaluation. Cardiff: ESRC.
  • Elis-Thomas, Dafydd (2006) Second constitution, Agenda, summer 2006, p16-18.
  • Elis-Thomas, Dafydd (2005) From body corporate to parliamentary service, Wales Journal of Law and Policy (4) 1, p7-16
  • Government of Wales Act 2006 (Chapter 32)
  • House of Commons Library (2005) Better Governance for Wales: the White Paper: Standard Note. London: House of Commons Library.
  • House of Commons Welsh Affairs Committee (2005) Government White Paper: Better governance for Wales: first report of session 2005-06. London: TSO.
  • Institute of Welsh Affairs, (2005) Welsh politics comes of age: response to the Richard Commission. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Institute of Welsh Affairs, (2007) Devolution, a decade on: IWA response to the House of Commons Constitutional Affairs Committee call for evidence. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Institute of Welsh Affairs, (2008) Unpacking the progressive consensus. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Jeffrey, C. (2004) The report of the Richard Commission: an evaluation (Devolution Briefings no. 12) Birmingham: ESRC.
  • Jones, Richard Wyn (2004) Ryff geid Comisiwn Richard, Barn, 494, p11-13.
  • Jones, Richard Wyn (2005) Senedd i Gymru, Barn, 512, p8-13.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) Wales devolution monitoring report: September 2006. London: UCL.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) Wales devolution monitoring report: May 2006. London: UCL.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) Wales devolution monitoring report: January 2006. London: UCL.
  • Laffin, M., Thomas, A & Thomas, I. (2003) Future options: an assessment of the powers of the National Assembly for Wales. Pontypridd: University of Glamorgan.
  • Mathias, G. (2008) Referendum rules, Agenda, summer 2008, p12-14.
  • McAllister, Laura (2005) Proving the potential of independent commissions: a critical review of the Richard Commission on the powers and electoral arrangements of the National Assembly for Wales, Public Administration, 83 (2), p493-512.
  • McAllister, Laura (2005) The value of independent commissions: an insider's perspective on the Richard Commission, Parliamentary Affairs, 58 (1), p38-52.
  • McAllister, Laura (2004) The Richard Commission: Wales's alternative constitutional convention? Contemporary Wales, 17, p128-139.
  • McAllister, Laura & Stirbu, Diana (2008) Influence, impact and legacy: assessing the Richard Commission's contribution to Wales's evolving constitution, Representation, 44 (3) p.209-224.
  • Osmond, J. (2005) Labour's majority in doubt: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales December 2004-April 2005. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2004) Quango cull falters but continues: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales October-December 2004. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2004) Richard Commission sets agenda: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales March-June 2004. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2004) End of the corporate body: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales December 2003-March 2004. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2003) Wales is waiting: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales September-December 2003. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, J. (2003) Wales unplugged: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales June-August 2003. Cardiff: IWA. 
  • Osmond, J. (2003) Welsh Labour takes control: monitoring the National Assembly for Wales March-June 2003. Cardiff: IWA  
  • Pwyllgor Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru ar y Papur Gwyn, Trefn Lywodraethu Gwell i Gymru (2004) Adroddiad ar y Papur Gwyn, Trefn Lywodraethu Gwell i Gymru. Caerdydd: Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.
  • Pwyllgor Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru ar Fil Llywodraeth Cymru (2006) Adroddiad ar Fesur Llywodraeth Cymru. Caerdydd: Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.
  • Rawlings, R., (2004) Say not the struggle naught availeth: the Richard Commission and after (Centre for Welsh Legal Affairs Fifth Annual Lecture). Aberystwyth: Centre for Welsh Legal Affairs.
  • Trefn Lywodraethu Gwell i Gymru 2005 Cm 6582
  • Trench, Alan (2005) Better governance for Wales: an analysis of the White Paper on devolution for Wales. London: UCL Constitution Unit.


Confensiwn Cymru Gyfan a Refferendwm pwerau 2011

Sefydlwyd Confensiwn Cymru Gyfan i edrych ar ymestyn pwerau deddfu'r Cynulliad. Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod yn edrych ar waith y Confensiwn yn arwain at y Refferendwm ar ymestyn pwerau'r Cynulliad ym Mawrth 2011

  • Bowers, Paul (2010) Standard note: referendum in Wales: draft orders. London: House of Commons Library.
  • Bowers, Paul (2010) Standard note: referendum for Wales: extending the scope of Assembly powers. London: House of Commons Library
  • Bowers, Paul (2011) Standard note: referendum in Wales. London: House of Commons Library.
  • Confensiwn Cymru Gyfan (2009) Adroddiad Confensiwn Cymru Gyfan. Caerdydd: Confensiwn Cymru Gyfan.
  • David, Wayne (2011) Why the case for a 'yes' vote is unanswerable. Bevan Foundation Review, 16, p4-5.
  • Electoral Commission (2010) Referendum on law-making powers of the National Assembly for Wales: report of the view of the Electoral Commission on the proposed referendum question. Cardiff: Electoral Commission.
  • Electoral Commission (2011) Report on the Referendum on law-making powers of the National Assembly for Wales: 3 March 2011. Cardiff: Electoral Commission.
  • Harvey, Malcolm (2011) How to lose a referendum in seven ways: thoughts on the upcoming Welsh powers referendum. Regional and Federal Studies, 21 (1), p91.
  • House of Commons Welsh Affairs Select Committee (2010) The proposed amendment of Schedule 7 to the Government of Wales Act 2006: second report of session 2010-11. London: TSO.
  • House of Commons Library (2011) Political developments in Wales to June 2011. London: House of Commons Library.
  • Jennings, Martin (2011) Canlyniadau refferendwm Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru 2011. Caerdydd: Gwasanaeth Ymchwil Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.
  • Jones, Richard Wyn, (2007) Craffu ar y confensiwn, Barn, 539-540, p12-14.
  • Jones, Richard Wyn, (2008) Ymlaen at y refferendwm, Barn, Rhagfyr 2008, p14-16.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) (2009) Wales devolution monitoring report: May 2009. London: UCL.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) (2009) Wales devolution monitoring report: January 2009. London: UCL.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) (2008) Wales devolution monitoring report: September 2008. London: UCL.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) (2008) Wales devolution monitoring report: May 2008. London: UCL.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) (2008) Wales devolution monitoring report: January 2008. London: UCL.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) (2007) Wales devolution monitoring report: September 2007. London: UCL.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) (2007) Wales devolution monitoring report: April 2007. London: UCL.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) (2007) Wales devolution monitoring report: January 2007. London: UCL.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) (2006) Wales devolution monitoring report: September 2006. London: UCL.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) (2006) Wales devolution monitoring report: May 2006. London: UCL.
  • Jones, R.W. & Scully, R. (gol.) (2006) Wales devolution monitoring report: January 2006. London: UCL.
  • Osmond, John (2011) Accelerating history: the 1979, 1997 and 2010 referendums in Wales. Cardiff: Institute of Welsh Affairs.
  • Roberts, Owain & Thomas, Alys (2010) Camau yn arwain at refferendwm ar fwy o bwerau: gwybodaeth ddiweddaraf. Caerdydd: Gwasanaeth Ymchwil yr Aelodau Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.
  • Roberts, Owain & Nicholson, Siân (2011) Crynodeb o Fesurau'r Cynulliad a Basiwyd. Caerdydd: Gwasanaeth Ymchwil yr Aelodau Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.
  • Roberts, Owain & Nicholson, Siân (2011) Refferendwm Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru 2011. Caerdydd: Gwasanaeth Ymchwil yr Aelodau Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.
  • Roberts, Owain (2011) Pwerau Deddfwriaethol Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru. Caerdydd: Gwasanaeth Ymchwil yr Aelodau Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.
  • Stafford, Ian (2011) Devolution in Wales and the 2011 referendum. Scottish Affairs, 77, autumn 2011, p28.
  • Stirbu, Diana & McAllister, Laura (2011) An exercise in democratic deliberation: the All-Wales Convention's contribution to constitutional change. Contemporary Wales, 24 (1) winter 2011, p64-85.
  • Wyn Jones, Richard & Scully, Roger (2012) Wales says yes: devolution and the 2011 Welsh referendum. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.


Comisiwn Silk a Deddf Cymru 2014

Sefydlwyd y Comisiwn ar Ddatganoli yng Nghymru gan Lywodraeth Glymblaid y DU yn 2011 dan gadeiryddiaeth Syr Paul Silk. Cylch gorchwyl y Comisiwn oedd edrych ar bwerau deddfwriaethol ac ariannol pellach i Gymru. Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod yn edrych ar waith y Comisiwn a'r canlyniadau

  • Bourne, Nick (2011) The Silk Commission: devolution's last word, Bevan Foundation Review (18), p32-33
  • Bowers, Paul & Webb, Dominic (2011) Devolution in Wales: the Silk Commission: Commons Library Standard Note. London: House of Commons Library.
  • Changing Union Partnership Finance and Funding Working Group (2012) Wales in a changing union: first submission to the Silk Commission. Cardiff: Institute of Welsh Affairs.
  • Changing Union Partnership (2013) A stable, sustainable devolution settlement for Wales: evidence to the Commission on Devolution in Wales. Cardiff: Changing Union Partnership.
  • Comisiwn ar Ddatganoli yng Nghymru (2012) Grymuso a chyfrifoldeb: pwerau ariannol i gryfhau Cymru (Adroddiad Silk Rhan I) (PDF, 2.08MB). Caerdydd: Y Comisiwn ar Ddatganoli yng Nghymru.
  • Comisiwn ar Ddatganoli yng Nghymru (2014) Grymuso a chyfrifoldeb: pwerau deddfwriaethol i gryfhau Cymru (Adroddiad Silk Rhan II) Caerdydd: Y Comisiwn ar Ddatganoli yng Nghymru.
  • Holtham, Gerald (2011) Wales faces choice between Northen Ireland and Scotland on tax powers. Agenda, Winter 2011, p20-23.
  • Jones, Carwyn (2014) First Minister of Wales: speech on a new union. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
  • National Assembly for Wales (2014) Submission to the House of Lords Constitution Committee on the inquiry into Scottish Independence: constitutional implications for the rest of the UK. Cardiff: NAfW.
  • Osmond, John (2012) Radical tax varying powers recommended for Wales, Agenda, 48, winter 2012. Cardiff: IWA.
  • Osmond, John & Upton, Stevie (eds.) (2013) A stable, sustainable devolution settlement for Wales: research papers. Cardiff: UK's Changing Union.
  • Plaid Cymru (2013) Submission to part II of the Commission on Devolution in Wales. Cardiff: Plaid Cymru.
  • Roberts, Owain (2011) Y llwybr tuag at y Comisiwn Annibynol ar Ddatganoli yng Nghymru: Medi 2011. Caerdydd: Gwasanaeth Ymchwil y Cynulliad.
  • Swyddfa Cymru a Thrysorlys ei Mawrhydi (2013) Grymuso a Chyfrifoldeb: datganoli pwer ariannol i Gymru. Llundain: TSO.
  • Thomas, Alys (2011) Comisiwn Silk. Caerdydd: Gwasanaeth Ymchwil y Cynulliad.
  • Thomas, Alys (2013) Summary of consultation responses to part 2 of the Silk Commission on Devolution in Wales (PDF, 809KB) Caerdydd: Gwasanaeth Ymchwil y Cynulliad.
  • Torrance, David (2018) A process not an event: Devolution in Wales 1998-2018. London: House of Commons Library
  • UK Government, (2013) UK Government's evidence to the Commission on Devolution in Wales: Part II: The Welsh Devolution Settlement. Cardiff: Wales Office.
  • Wales Act 2014 chapter 29
  • Welsh Affairs Select Committee (2014) Fourth report: Pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft Wales Bill. London: TSO.
  • Welsh Conservatives in the National Assembly for Wales, (2013) Evidence submitted to the Commission on Devolution in Wales. Cardiff: Welsh Conservatives.
  • Welsh Government, (2013) Evidence submitted by the Welsh Government to the Commission on Devolution in Wales. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
  • Welsh Liberal Democrats (2013) Securing home rule: Welsh Liberal Democrat submission to the Silk Commission. Cardiff: Welsh Liberal Democrats.


Deddf Cymru 2017, Deddf Senedd ac Etholiadau 2020 a Senedd Cymru

Diwygiwyd y setliad datganoli gan Ddeddf Cymru 2017 a rhoddwyd hawl i'r sefydliad ddeddfu ar ei threfniadau etholiadol ei hyn. Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod yn ymwneud â'r Ddeddf, a hefyd Deddf Senedd ac Etholiadau (Cymru) 2020, a arweiniodd at ail-enwi Senedd Cymru a nifer o ddiwygiadau yn ymwneud â'r system etholiadol   

Diwygio'r Senedd

Mae diwygio'r Senedd yn cyfeirio at gynigion i newid cyfansoddiad Senedd Cymru i greu "senedd gryfach i gynrychioli pobl Cymru". Mae'r gweithiau hyn yn edrych ar y broses o ddiwygio'r Senedd.

Etholiadau'r Senedd

Erbyn hyn cafwyd chwe etholiad cyffredinol i'r Senedd a'r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol. Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod yn cynnwys dadansoddiadau o ganlyniadau a materion megis dewis ymgeiswyr

  • Awan-Scully, Roger (2018) The end of British party politics? London: Biteback.
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Pleidiau gwleidyddol a datganoli

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Datganoli a'r cyfansoddiad yng nghyfnod y Cynulliad a'r Senedd

Mae'r Senedd, y modd y mae'n gweithio, a'r cyfansoddiad wedi datblygu ers 1999 gyda nifer o newidiadau ar hyd y ffordd. Ymysg y newidiadau mwyaf nodweddiadol roedd y gwahaniad rhwng y Cynulliad a Llywodraeth Cymru yn 2007 a sicrhau pwerau deddfwriaethol newydd. Mae'r rhestr cyhoeddiadau isod yn dangos y modd y mae'r Senedd wedi datblygu, ac yn parhau i ddatblygu, fel corff deddfwriaethol.

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Agweddau'r cyhoedd ac ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd

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Gweithdrefnau'r Senedd

Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn ogystal â chyhoeddiadau corfforaethol eraill - adroddiadau blynyddol, cyfrifon ac ati

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Cydraddoldeb, cynrychiolaeth a'r Senedd

Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod yn edrych ar wahanol agweddau ar gydraddoldeb a chynrychiolaeth yng nghyd-destun Senedd Cymru

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Gwaith craffu a phwyllgorau'r Senedd

Mae pwyllgorau Senedd Cymru wedi bod yn elfen bwysig yn y broses o graffu ar bolisiau llywodraethol a deddfwriaeth. Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod yn edrych ar elfennau o waith y pwyllgorau a chyfallu'r Senedd i gyflawni ei swyddogaethau'n effeithiol

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Adeiladu'r Senedd

Agorwyd adeilad y Senedd ym Mae Caerdydd yn swyddogol ar 1 Mawrth 2006. Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod yn edrych ar ddylunio ac adeiladu'r adeilad 

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Y gyfraith a deddfwriaeth yng Nghymru

Hyd yn oed cyn 2007 roedd y gyfraith yng Nghymru yn dod yn fwyfwy nodedig mewn nifer o feysydd. Ers Mai 2007, mae'r Senedd yn medru pasio deddfwriaeth sylfaenol. Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod yn olrhain datblygiad deddfwriaeth Cymreig ers 1999. 

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Y berthynas rhyng-lywodraethol a rhyng-seneddol

Mae trefn lywodraethu sydd yn bodoli ar nifer o lefelau yn golygu bod yna drafodaeth gwleidyddol ar nifer o wahanol lefelau. Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod yn dangos sut mae'r Senedd wedi creu cysylltiadau â San Steffan, llywodraeth leol a deddfwrfeydd datganoledig eraill ers datganoli

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Y cyd-destun polisi

Ers 1999 mae nifer o gyhoeddiadau wedi dadansoddi gwahanol agweddau ar ganlyniadau polisi yng Nghymru. Mae'r rhain yn rhy niferus ac amrywiol i'w cynnwys yma. Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod felly'n delio gyda sylwadau ehangach ar y broses o greu polisi, megis ymrwymiad y Senedd gyda cymdeithas sifil a dargyfeiriad polisi dros y DU.

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Ariannu datganoli

Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod yn delio â gwahanol agweddau ar sut y mae'r Senedd a sefydliadau datganoledig eraill y DU wedi cael eu ariannu ers datganoli, ac hefyd ar ddatblygiad pwerau i godi trethi yng Nghymru

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Ymadael â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd a Datganoli

Mae'r cyhoeddiadau isod yn edrych as sut y gall y penderfyniad i ymadael â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd effeithio ar ddatganoli yng Nghymru

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